Book Folding Tutorial

Do you love old, or vintage books as much as I do?!

I have stacks of them all over my house. I love the feel of the old, worn pages. I love the idea that the book has been read over and over again. I imagine how much it has been enjoyed, shared, and even the places it must have travelled with whoever coveted it last!

I also use old book pages in my art and collage work. I paint directly on these pages sometimes too!

Well, one night while I was scrolling on TikTok, I came across this post by @joleenemery who is doing the 100 day project by up-cycling old books that she has for her B&B. She used old books, and folded pages to create beautiful art that she used to create a gallery wall in her dining room!

I immediately knew that I wanted to try a few of for myself. Here’s how they came out!

Before I share more, I have a brand new Amazon Shop where you can not only shop my recommended art supplies, but you can shop some of my favorite organization, storage, and even home decor pieces that I fill my home and studio with! Like a few of my coveted coffee table decor pieces in the photo!

Back to the book folding tutorial! I love using these books as coffee table art or to hang on the wall! When I shared them on my Instagram account, I couldn’t believe how many people wanted to try book folding for themselves. So I created a fun tutorial showing you how I created these folded pages an even share how I display them in my studio! Have a watch and let me know if you tried a few yourself, I’d love to see!

Nicki Traikos

"Life I design was born out of passion to live a creative life and from a desire to design things that suited my personal taste and what I wanted to have around me." Nicki Traikos, Founder & Creative Director, life i design

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