Calligraphy practice sheet to help you write "best wishes"

With the holidays upon us, I thought it would be a great idea to make this calligraphy practice sheet available to you so that you can practice your calligraphy lettering!

Free calligraphy practice sheet to help you write “best wishes”.

Free calligraphy practice sheet to help you write “best wishes”.

I remember when I first started learning calligraphy. It was both a challenge and therapeutic, to practice the same strokes over and over again, in the hopes of being able to effortlessly draw letter forms in beautiful calligraphy writing.

It’s easy to look at all the amazing calligraphers online and feel like there’s no way that you can ever achieve that level of calligraphy. Truth is, you can!!

I always preach… practice, practice, practice!!

It’s the only way to get better!

Download, print and practice calligraphy using a small brush pen or dip pen and ink!

Download, print and practice calligraphy using a small brush pen or dip pen and ink!

The holidays are the perfect time to get in practice as we write gift tags, Christmas cards and maybe even some of you still write letters!! Remember having a pen pal growing up?!!! I’m dating myself, but it was the best thing in the world to see a letter come in from my distance cousins. I always envied my cousin from Australia’s hand writing. It was perfect and very precise. I on the other hand, to this day, still have horrible hand writing. I’m serious. I will have to post a photo to show you!

Calligraphy is so different from hand writing. If you learn the proper strokes and shapes that are required to form the letters of the alphabet, you will be writing in beautiful calligraphy in no time!!

So here’s another downloadable and printable lettering sheet that I created.

Calligraphy Practice Sheet to help you write “best wishes”

Simply click here, to download your calligraphy practice sheet to help you write “best wishes”. Save it to your computer and print as many copies you need to help you practice!! The best part is, you can use a brush pen or a dip pen and nib to practice with!

If you missed my other practice sheets that I created for you, have a look at this post here.

Oh, and check out the free Christmas Gift Tags that I shared a little while ago!! They’ll help add style and will make a statement with your gift wrapping this year!!

Lastly, if you are curious about learning calligraphy or brush lettering with me, then check out these new online classes that I just created! They are at a low, introductory price for the next little while, so enjoy the savings while it lasts!

Happy practicing!!


Nicki Traikos

"Life I design was born out of passion to live a creative life and from a desire to design things that suited my personal taste and what I wanted to have around me." Nicki Traikos, Founder & Creative Director, life i design

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Six years ago today, I began a new journey and never looked back