Nicki Traikos | life i design |

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Collaboration that I've kept secret... until now!

I'm really excited to finally share an amazing collaboration that I've kept secret until now!

Earlier this year, my sweet friend Kerry introduced me to a dynamic, energetic, intelligent creative entrepreneur who founded her own magazine in 2005 and has built a huge presence in the scrapbooking and card industry.  Her name is Catherine Tachdjian!

If you've had the pleasure of meeting Catherine in person, you'd agree with me that she is a ball of positive energy, has great vision and is powered by a get-it-done attitude that most entrepreneurs strive for.  With every meeting, text and phone call we share, I am left inspired, fired up and excited for everything that we are planning together!

Let me properly introduce you to her beautiful Scrapbook & Cards Today Magazine! 

Alongside this beautiful, inspiring quarterly publication, SCT offers more inspiration, resources and classes online via their website as well as in person! That's right! If you are lucky enough to grab a spot at one of 7 of their very popular Crop and Create events (that sell out within minutes of being released), you are in for hours of creative instruction, friendship making and fun!  Their events are held across Canada but have attendees from all over the world! 

So what does that mean for me and life i design?!  Well, if you've notice, I've been sharing less about products that I am producing in studio and more about how to learn calligraphy.  I am teaching more, creating more designs for my Society6 Shop and will sharing A LOT more business tips and how-to-live a life YOU design!! 

It also means more classes, online and in person, including a variety of Modern Calligraphy and Modern Lettering with Watercolor to begin with hosted on SCT's website too!

It also means downloadable project files to help inject your scrapbooking journey with a little taste of life i design - including our inspirational quotes and images exclusively designed for SCT!

Honestly, there's so much happening, I'd recommend that you follow along as this beautiful collaboration unfolds.

Follow Scrapbook and Cards Today on social media via @sctmagazine and of course, check out their website and publication here!

Here's to a creative journey to add to the many roads I've experienced since starting life i design a little less than 5 years ago. 

You truly can never plan how things work out, you simply need to be open and go with what whatever shows up!

x Nicki