Nicki Traikos | life i design |

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I Survived the 30 Day SketchBook Challenge!

On July 1st I set out with a goal.  My goal was to spend more time being creative and to spend more time on my art.  I intended to do that by sketching something in my sketchbook everyday. This was going to be challenging as I am usually not very good with being consistent and sticking to something on a daily basis.  However, I did it!!

I survived the 30 Day SketchBook Challenge!

day30This challenge was harder than it seemed.  The kids had just started summer break.  We were leaving on vacation.  I was busy building my on-line art-shop, etc, etc, etc...

But I am proud and happy to announce that I did it!!! I managed to sketch, photograph my page, and upload it every day for 30 days! If you haven't been following my posts on Istagram, Twitter or Facebook ... click here to have a look at what I sketched and shared.


It was a very interesting journey and one that taught me a lot about myself creatively.

First of all. It was wonderful to have the support and encouragement from a few fabulous women who supported, encouraged and inspired me over these last 30 days. Every day, I checked my Instagram and Twitter feed to peruse their sketches and enjoy their creativity. I've linked to a few of the fabulous and creative women on the 30 Day SketchBook page, so you'll have to check them out too!

Day 5 of 30 day sketchbook challenge

Second of all, who knew that this type of daily creativity was even possible!?? Every day I sat down with my sketchbook and pencil and had no idea what was going to come out. Everyday, I felt rushed and stressed about what I was going to share and how good it would be.  I promised myself that I would share my sketch regardless of how "good" I thought it was or wasn't.

That was tough.

Some days I surprised myself with actually being happy with my sketch, doodle, or painting. Other days, I cringed as I clicked on the share button. The best part of the experience was all the encouraging comments that helped me push myself to draw again the next day and share with the world once again.


The last 10 months have been an amazing artistic journey for me.   For a while, it was hard for me to share with people what "I did" when I first met them. What do I tell them?! I'm an artist. I am a blogger. I have an online art shop. Those are all amazing things that I am proud to be doing, but I guess old stigmas and belief systems made me shy to confidently share what I do!

This 30 day challenge reminded me just how much of an artist I really am. Being creative and artistic has been ME for as long as I could hold a pencil.  I was reminded of how much it means to me to blog. To meet other creative and interesting people online.  That how much I love my online business and to share art and beauty with those who love and appreciate it to!  To work from home and be with my family.  To be blessed to live what I am most passionate about.

This challenge has been amazing on so many levels! I can't wait to do it again.... in about 6 months maybe!

Next time around, you should join me!

If you were doing the challenge with us and want to share your journey, please comment below and share your link with me.  I'd love to see what you came up with and to watch your progress.

Visit the art shop to view some of the in-stock art pieces and keep in touch as the new fall collection that was inspired by this 30 Day SketchBook Challenge is added to the shop!


Artist. Blogger. Online Shop Curator.
