Jewellery Hanging Organizer Idea - Easy Tutorial!


Doesn't it always seem like we're always on the hunt for easy, cheap, but pretty, storage solutions?!

Up until a few  years ago, my necklaces laid in tangled piles in my drawers and I hardly wore them because

a) I couldn't never find the one that I was looking for and b) I didn't have time to untangle the mess.

Well, a few years ago I made a jewellery hanging bulletin board and hung it in my closet on the inside of the door.

before jewellery hanger bulletin board

It looks pretty the way it is right?!  Well...

I wanted to update it and be able to hang more of my pretty necklaces.

So... I took some of my wallpaper that I used in my office/studio space, a few thumbtacks, ribbon from my stash of ribbons and voila...

jewellery hanging bulletin board tutorial

 Jewellery Hanging Organizer Idea using a bulletin Board! Easy Tutorial!

1. Cut the paper to fit inside the frame of the board.  You can use pretty wrapping paper, scrap booking paper or anything else that suits your style!

2. Use clear thumbtacks to attach the paper to the board and to act as hangers for your jewels.

3. Screw in 2 eye hooks to the top of the frame of your board and tie pretty ribbon to each side.

4. Hang on the inside of your closet door, above a bureau or anywhere that is easy and could use some pretty-ing up!

5. Hang your pretty baubles and enjoy wearing them more often and without hassle!

I've even made a jewellery hanging bulletin board for my daughter and used photographs of her and her friends!  She loves it!

Tell me what you think of this easy idea and post a pic if you make one of your own!


Nicki Traikos

"Life I design was born out of passion to live a creative life and from a desire to design things that suited my personal taste and what I wanted to have around me." Nicki Traikos, Founder & Creative Director, life i design

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