Nicki Traikos | life i design |

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Note to self...

A little while back I started to write notes to myself.  I usually wrote them down on scrap pieces of card stock, envelopes, or bits that I find around my studio.

I didn't write them everyday, but when I felt like I needed a boost or saw something that inspired me, I wrote it down and kept it in my daily planner to look at during the day.

I began sharing these "notes to self" on social media and realized that everyone can use a "note to self" or a little nudge once in a while. So I thought I'd start sharing them here on the blog too {in case you don't happen to follow me on Instagram or Facebook}.

So here are a few past "Note to Self" that I have written and shared.

Look for more Note to Self posts here on l.i.d.

Have a great day!!