BE INSPIRED Nicki Traikos BE INSPIRED Nicki Traikos

Learn how to get over your fear of trying something new

Have you ever dreamed about starting something new, learning something new, or jumping out of your comfort zone to shake things up a bit?! How do we get over the fear?

I’ve learned to be bigger than my fear! I let the fear pop up when it needed to warn me. Then I paused. Asked myself “What’s the worst thing that could happen?” if I hit share, publish or launched a new art piece. With each experience , I was more in control. With each bout of fear, I learned that I wasn’t in danger, and that my life wouldn’t end if I did this one new thing.

I learned a few tricks to help get over fear and am excited to share them with you now!

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How done is better than perfect!

If you've joined me on my last blog post, you'll know that I had a BIG goal to create my very first online class on the Skillshare platform.  Well, I managed to hit "publish" almost a week before my scheduled deadline!!!

I am not a perfectionist by any means, but I do dwell on details a little too much some times.  I have learned over the last few years, that done is better than perfect.  Agonizing over the details of a plan is necessary sometimes, for instance, when building a structure, or planning a Will, however,  agonizing over the details of an online class... not so much!

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