Nicki Traikos | life i design |

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The 100-day Project: What Creative Project I’m Doing & How!

I'm Doing it AGAIN! Well... trying at least!

I’m really bad at being consistent. I start off with such great enthusiasm and then get distracted, busy, bored… you name it! Every year when I get an email about the 100-day project again, I get excited, commit to doing something for 100 days, and get busy planning my goal.

Each year, I make it to about days 23, 27, 30, and 35 and struggle to keep up. Then I get discouraged and completely stop trying! Both times I had trouble keeping consistent for 100 days straight, even though I had good intentions. Can you relate? This year I have figured out how to get more organized and keep my goal simple. I will be working on my portrait sketches for 100 days! If you’ve been following @lifeidesign for a while, you know I’ve prioritized portrait sketches for a couple of months, and you can read about that journey here.

Well, this year, I am excited once again and have already prepared myself and my supplies, and I will be doing the 100-day project once again!!

I have a brand new strategy and goal for what I’ll be doing, and I want you to join me and hopefully have you encourage me too!! After all, this is always more enjoyable when doing it with others and watching other people post so that we can continue to inspire and encourage each other!

Look at this video I shared explaining everything you need to know!

Are you in?!

We start on February 22, 2023!

Will you join me as I sketch, paint, and collage a portrait a day?

What will your goal be?

How can you prepare ahead of time to help you dedicate time daily to your 100-day project goal?!

Let me know if you are going to join me this year. I want to follow your journey too!

I’ll be sharing mostly on Instagram and you can find me here @lifeidesign and @dothe100dayproject!

What will your goal be?!