Celebrating 10 Years of life i design!

10 years ago, life i design was brought to life and it has been a whirlwind ever since. I started this creative space when I turned 40, and was so nervous to even call myself an artist at first! 

It still feels like just yesterday when I decided that I would pursue my childhood dream of becoming an artist and finally live the life that I designed! I taught myself everything I needed to know to follow my passion for art, and even entrepreneurship! It didn’t come easily for me, and I have experienced lots of failed attempts over the years.

Where It All Began

I grew up with immigrant parents who raised me to live a traditional life of getting a job, getting married, buying a house, having kids, and retiring. For a long time, I believed this was what everyone was meant to do, even though I wanted to pursue a different path.

I quickly learned that art for me is an outlet for self-expression, joy, and a form of meditation, so I leaned into it when I needed it most. Art taught me the importance of balance and freedom, especially while juggling raising a young family while my husband had to travel for most of the month on business trips.

I started taking online classes to learn how to build a website, do graphic design, blog, use the Adobe Suite, design, digitize, and start building my voice and skills as an artist. I took this seriously because I wanted to create a space for me and fellow artists to have the courage to try, to learn and make art - good or bade and most importantly, free of judgment. 

life i design 

I created life i design as my way of making money as an artist and blowing up the whole “starving artist” persona. I want to empower women to start painting, start a business, follow their passion and do it for themselves. I wanted people to see that art can be used as an outlet for self-expression, joy, and as a form of meditation too. 

Fast forward quite a few years and now this space has become a place to give people the tools to learn art through classes, books, tutorials, and blog posts. And it has continued growing ever since. I hope that through life i design, you find the space that brings joy into your life and see that it is never too late to learn something new. 

Through art, I have found my passion, my self-expression, and a way to let go and I hope that others can find the same. 

Celebrating 10 years of life i design

To celebrate 10 years of this art filled life and this community that we’ve created together, I’ll be posting 10 days of gifts and giveaways over on my Instagram account!

Tune in every day over on Instagram for a chance to win something, enjoy a freebie, or snag something at the lowest price EVER! There are so many surprises that I can’t wait to share with you, including the GRAND PRIZE that falls on life i design’s 10th year anniversary 12-12-22. Yes, the woo-woo in me picked my launch date ver specifically!

If you aren’t following along already, here’s a link to join the party on Instagram. Each day I will post something with all of the information you’ll need to participate. I can’t wait to see you there! 

Nicki Traikos

"Life I design was born out of passion to live a creative life and from a desire to design things that suited my personal taste and what I wanted to have around me." Nicki Traikos, Founder & Creative Director, life i design


Watercolor Painting Tutorial in Watercolors Made Simple Student’s Facebook Group


Paint With Me at Sketchbook Party Hosted by The Pigeon Letters