Give Yourself Downtime - how it can help you

Over the last few years, I’ve taught a lot of people modern calligraphy and lettering skills. I’ve shared with them all the tips and tricks they need to get started. I’ve armed them with the best tools in their kit to continue their practice at home. I’ve even created online classes for those who can’t make it out in person to be able to sit at home and learn everything that I teach. But what I haven’t been able to give them is downtime!

Downtime; time during which a machine, especially a computer, is out of action or unavailable for use (I love this definition and relating it to humans), a time of reduced activity or inactivity.

Give yourself downtime - how it can help you

Give yourself downtime - how it can help you

In our busy and hectic times, giving yourself downtime seems like a luxury doesn’t it?!

What I’ve noticed is that more and more of us are craving down time. Time away from technology. Social media. Work. Stress.

I see it in my in-person workshops. These ladies (and a few men) giving themselves 2 hours of downtime to be in a social setting, doing something that is relaxing and enjoyable, with the hopes of creating more downtime in their everyday life with this new hobby of lettering.

Give yourself downtime, modern calligraphy lettering by Nicki Traikos, pen and ink Manuscript Pen Company,

Give yourself downtime, modern calligraphy lettering by Nicki Traikos, pen and ink Manuscript Pen Company,

Not only do we need downtime to rest, enjoy life a little more, and to rejuvenate, but we need downtime so we CAN accomplish more, learn a new skill or start a new project.

When I decided that I wanted to spend more time on my art and create new surface designs, I needed downtime. Time away from my desk, my home studio and my routine. I went on walks, had coffee dates with friends, and even took advantage of weekend getaways when I could!

By giving myself downtime, I allowed myself to be filled up with more creativity than I could ever imagine, with new ideas for workshops and online classes, and with renewed energy to help me executive and achieve all my new plans and goals.

Give yourself downtime lettering in modern calligraphy by life i

Give yourself downtime lettering in modern calligraphy by life i

So what can you do today to give yourself downtime?!

Schedule a coffee date. Take a walk in nature. Schedule time for a bubble bath. Go to the gym.

Anything that allows you to step away from a project, a situation or a problem, will inevitably help you come back to it with renewed inspiration and determination!

Whatever you choose to do to give yourself downtime, make sure you do it often and most importantly, do it without guilt!

x Nicki

Nicki Traikos

"Life I design was born out of passion to live a creative life and from a desire to design things that suited my personal taste and what I wanted to have around me." Nicki Traikos, Founder & Creative Director, life i design

What is Modern Calligraphy


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