SIDE HUSTLE Nicki Traikos SIDE HUSTLE Nicki Traikos

Wise Words For New Entrepreneurs

A brand new startup is one that is taking a significant risk. You’re heading out into the big bad business world, and you need it to be a success; after all, you’ve poured your everything into this venture! Experience is going to teach you a lot, and owning your own business is going to be the biggest lesson you will ever learn in your life. You are about to embark on something amazing, challenging, and life-changing, so it stands to reason that there will be wise words to hear before you get started!

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Give Yourself Downtime - how it can help you

Over the last few years, I’ve taught a lot of people modern calligraphy and lettering skills. I’ve shared with them all the tips and tricks they need to get started. I’ve armed them with the best tools in their kit to continue their practice at home. I’ve even created online classes for those who can’t make it out in person to be able to sit at home and learn everything that I teach. But what I haven’t been able to give them is downtime!

Downtime; time during which a machine, especially a computer, is out of action or unavailable for use (I love this definition and relating it to humans), a time of reduced activity or inactivity.

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BE INSPIRED Nicki Traikos BE INSPIRED Nicki Traikos

Free iPhone Wallpaper Background for November

I have spent most of my free time recently on painting abstract shapes and playing around with color. I have designs in mind that I am creating for my Society6 shop, that will go on things like pillows, laptop covers and even coffee mugs. Although my personal style in everything from clothing to home decor, is black and white, a small part of me is trying to embrace color {a limited color palette…} and try my hand at designing using some color! Sooooo, I thought I’d make this lovely wallpaper inspired by the falling snow and my current pattern designing mode, in the hopes of creating a lovely wallpaper to inspire you through the rest of November!

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