Note from Nicki Traiko’s Desk

I took some time this morning to write a “Note from Nicki” which I used to send out to my email list quite frequently. As of recently, I’ve been enjoying bringing it back here and there and today I wanted to share it with you on the blog! When I started writing, I let the words flow, and it was quite a long email. So, I’ve actually shared the complete note below with you. Consider this a sneak peek of what my subscribers get sent to their inbox!

A Note from Nicki Traikos

I’m not quite sure how this year is passing with such speed and determination, but it seems that even though I had every intention of a slow summer, time has other plans.

I’ve been taking inventory of how I am spending my free time lately and am trying to be more intentional and mindful so I can savor the warm weather, rest more, and be in a creative flow. While it feels like time is passing quickly, and I haven’t spent as much time on my art as I had wanted, as I look around my studio, there’s lots of evidence of how I have been exploring and moving slowly through projects.

I thought it would be fun to show you a bit of a visual diary of what I have been working on to hopefully inspire you to also look around and take note of all the little ways you are exploring creativity. Or perhaps you haven’t been feeling inspired lately and need a little creative boost. Either way, visual inspiration is such a big part of my creative energy that I want to share some of my favorite moments in the studio!

What I’ve Been Working On Lately: A Visual Diary

I often post “Good Morning” posts in my stories on Instagram, and they usually consist of art I made that morning while having my morning coffee, a moment in the garden, a view from my morning walks, etc. This one is from Monday morning, and I just loved the variety of watercolors that I have been working on, including all the handmade sketchbooks I’ve made and been working in, too. I’ve been playing around with tinting pages in my sketchbooks with a light blue to help create more of a vintage look and feel like the female portrait, which is still a work in progress.

Thrifting and antique shopping is an activity that is high on my list, and it usually includes me hunting for a few different things: pottery like the vase above, vases in general, old books that I can enjoy or re-use, and anything else that is interesting or a good deal! lol. It’s all about the hunt and the find! Gardening is also something I have been doing more of, and I have grown Snap Dragons for the first time ever! It’s always such a thrill to see the flowers pop up after planting seeds and checking back each day. The pop of color on my desk is such a nice break from all the earthy tones that I usually surround myself with.

I’ve decluttered the studio a bit and moved furniture out, so I have more space to spread out and paint large again. Painting on a large canvas with acrylics is something I have been missing quite a bit these last few years. There’s something about standing and painting large that requires a larger range of movement that is really expressive and enjoyable for me. I feel like it’s similar to what dancers may experience. Painting large creates a different energy when making art, and being able to get messy and expressive has been a nice break from sitting at my desk and painting small watercolor pieces or sketching portraits. Also, working on abstracts again has been a great way to work with values and mark-making. These pieces are works in progress that I am taking my time with.

If you’re interested in what supplies I use, click here.

While decluttering my art supplies and organizing everything, I pulled out my old chalks and pastels and have had fun exploring landscapes on canvas like the one pictured above. This bright color palette isn’t one that I’ve worked a lot with, but I really love how the pastels have created an interesting layer over acrylic paint, and I will explore more of this technique in the coming months. There’s also a really nice tactile experience when working with pastels as you use your fingers to blend and smooth. Paying attention to the whole experience when making art is something that I really enjoy and is probably the biggest reason why I don’t listen to music or have distractions in the background. I truly got lost in the making and the experience of making. If you typically have music or listen to something while making art, try working in silence for a bit, really enjoy the process, and see what happens! You may enjoy it, you may not! Either way, it’s an interesting experience to try.

Lastly, I have begun preparing for my trip to France, where I’ll lead a group of fellow creatives over 7 days of watercolor painting and art making. I am working on my daily lessons and what I want to teach each day, and I am even bringing little gifts for everyone. I don’t want to spoil the surprise if you are reading this and joining me 😁 but I am working on recycling some old book covers I have been holding onto in the studio and turning them into sketchbook covers for everyone. So far, my idea is working, just waiting for more supplies to arrive so I can continue on.

How it Feels to Create A Variety of Art

You may be reading this and be thinking that this is a lot and a huge variety of art that I have been creating, I am feeling the same! But everything you see is an accumulation of over the last 4 weeks, and I have been working in small spurts. Before sharing all of these photos from the studio, I felt like I hadn’t been working on my art enough, but again, when you work in small, consistent time frames, the accumulation of those moments really adds up!

Take a look around you and photograph what you have been working on and creating these last few months and really take inventory of all the time you’ve spent on you and your art making! I wonder if you too will be surprised at all the art you’ve been making. Maybe it’ll even inspire you to make more!

Before I leave you, if you missed the brush release, you can still get a set here. I am also excited to hear how you are doing with my new Portraits Made Simple class. Hit reply and let me know how you are doing and any questions you may be having! I’d love to know how you are getting along.

Thanks for reading to the end. I have enjoyed writing these Notes again and being able to share a more personal side of the studio and my personal life.

If you want these notes sent directly to my inbox, make sure you’re on my email list!

Nicki Traikos

"Life I design was born out of passion to live a creative life and from a desire to design things that suited my personal taste and what I wanted to have around me." Nicki Traikos, Founder & Creative Director, life i design

The Artful Balance of Creating Art for Fun and Creating Art for Money


Free Owl Traceable Inside The Creative Library