The 5 Characteristics of an Artistic Person
Being an artist takes courage. It requires embracing vulnerability, diving into the unknown, and expressing yourself authentically. You are embarking on a remarkable journey of self-discovery, and I’m here to cheer you on every step of the way.
life i design The Podcast is live!
I recorded a few podcast episodes, stuff happened, and I decided to push back the launch date of the podcast from September 14th to December 1st. I felt relieved that I had more time to figure out podcasting and getting a bunch of episodes recorded.
Then on the morning of September 14th, I woke up to a notification congratulating me that the podcast was live!
Wait! What?!!
Courage is the first step to learning something new
If you’ve been with me for a while, you’ll know that I’m a big believer of learning and growing. Courage is what helped me start life i design all those years ago. Courage is what pushes me to try something new and allows me to make mistakes so I can grow. Courage is something that I push myself to have more of and is what I encourage my kids to find within themselves.